How to Calculate and Track your Macros


If you’ve been on Instagram in the past 5 years you may have noticed a trend with brands sponsoring fitness women and male models. These people aren’t chosen at random, and they are not “blessed with great genes”. No, they worked their asses off and most importantly decided that what they put in their bodies and how they exercise would give them a better lifestyle. If you want to have a better body for whatever personal reason, you will have to do two things: 1) Work your butt off and 2) Track your macros. For that reason, in this article, we will be describing how to calculate and track your macros and will be giving you the best tool we have found for doing this.

How to Calculate and Track your Macros

Calculating macros can be a little frustrating, but just like any other habit, you will have to do it every day to get better. The way one calculates macros is a type of formula where you will have to know the following things:

  • Carbohydrates give you 4 calories per gram
  • Fats give you 9 calories per gram
  • Protein gives you 4 calories per gram

Now that you … Read More

Shampoo to Pass a Hair Drug Test

You’ve had a great weekend, you relaxed, watched Harold & Kumar, and ate way too much junk food. Unfortunately, Monday morning you get told that you are going to be facing a drug test at some stage in the next month. It’s not paranoia if someone really is out to get you, and your relaxing, slightly pot induced weekend has just taken a sinister turn. So, what are you going to do about it?

Shaving Your Head Is Not A Solution

You might think that shaving your head is an option. You could always say that you’re raising money for cancer, that would be a believable cover. Unfortunately, even if you do have the head shape to still look great with a shaved head, it won’t prevent your hair drug test from happening. All that you have done is to ensure that the testers are going to need to take a sample from somewhere else. If you happen to be a woman who shaves, or a man with very little body hair, I’m afraid to say that yes, pubic hair is quite adequate to run a drug test on.

Washing Your Hair Free Of Drugs

What you really need to … Read More

Determine Ideal Macros with Online Calculators

“To eat is a necessity, but to eat intelligently is an art.” (François De La Rochefoucauld) A matter of fact, it’s true that eating food is something people have to do on a regular basis. However, many struggles to find a healthy balance in order to reach their physical goals of either losing or gaining weight. 

Even though trying to maintain can face struggles and many are on the quest for the best diet. And in that quest, it’s nearly impossible to not hear the word “macros” with everyone having their own advice on what is the best diet to follow.

What are the main macros? There are three main nutrients that are referred to in nearly every nutritional guide. The trifecta that needs to be considered in a regular diet are: protein, fats, and carbohydrates. Minerals, vitamins and such are also important elements but are part of the micro-nutrient profile that can be considered but first, one has to get the majors in control first before worrying about the minors. 

To do this, a macros calculator is available and many sites have advice on the ideal macros. Some specific diets have their own preferred quantities. Low carb, such as … Read More

Everything You Should Know About Hair Detox Shampoo for Removing Marijuana and Cannabis

It is essential to say that marijuana is legal in lots of states in the USA and we can expect that it will be legalized shortly completely.

Even though people can consume weed with ease and without thinking, that someone will arrest them, the main problem is with the idea that they are still being fired for having THC in blood, urine or hair samples.

Have in mind that THC is still on the list of banned substances for most companies across the USA, and it is still detectable at the hair follicle drug test. If you have in mind that THC stays a long time in your hair, the question is whether you can pass the test or not.

Therefore, if you have to conduct a hair drug test, you should check out more on top detox shampoo for a hair test in 2020, so that you can determine how to cleanse yourself thoroughly.

The great news is that you can use a few methods that will help you pass a hair drug test, but you have to think everything through. It is vital for us to start from the very beginning:

How Does THC Enter Your Hair?Read More

How to Boost Thyroid Function Naturally with Nutrition & Supplements

The thyroid gland regulates many body functions with a constant release of thyroid glands in the bloodstream so that the hormones can reach the body’s cells. It is a vital hormone gland, essentially active in growth and development, as well as your body’s metabolism. Some of the body’s major function that the thyroid gland regulates are; body temperature, body weight, muscle strength, cholesterol levels, heart rate, and breathing. It also plays a huge role in the function of the central and peripheral nervous system. The thyroid gland produces three kinds of hormones called, Triiodothyronine, also known as T3, Tetraiodothyronine, also called thyroxine or T4, and Calcitonin. These hormones are responsible for the amount of nutrients turned into energy and the amount of oxygen cells use in the body. The thyroid gland is also responsible for regulating the brain and nerve function as well as, the function of the skin, hair, eyes, heart, and intestines.

The thyroid glands are responsible for the production and regulation of nutrients to the body, Sometimes the body doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone needed for the body, changing your diet and taking a Natural Thyroid Supplement can both help prevent and play a role in the … Read More