How Do Antioxidants Really Benefit Your Skin? Your Top Questions Answered

If we were to compare all ingredients used for skincare, there’s hardly any doubt: antioxidants will be proven to work hard the most when it comes to protecting your skin. Not only do antioxidants scavenge and essentially destroy free radicals, which are the number one culprit for skin ageing, but they also promote more even complexions and brighter skin, and they can tackle problems associated with ageing such as fine lines, wrinkles, and age spots. Some antioxidants don’t just protect your skin from free radicals – they can also aid in the hydration of the skin. But how do antioxidants work, and how can they really benefit your skin? Here, your top questions about antioxidants are answered.

Why and how they work

Any skin care expert will attest that antioxidants can be considered the ‘fountain of youth,’ and there are numerous reasons for this. They are a definite must for any person’s skincare routine, and serums containing antioxidants should be given priority if you want your skin to appear brighter, clearer, and firmer. Antioxidants serve to protect your skin because they can reduce and counteract the production of free radicals. Free radicals can easily assault and attack the skin and damage skin cells that are otherwise healthy. They can also create oxidative stress, which makes your skin look and feel older. Antioxidants also help when it comes to reducing fine lines and pigmentation, especially as people age. 

A look at the different antioxidants: which ones are the most powerful?

Granted, there’s a whole array of antioxidants that are widely used in the market and various products nowadays, but there are some that stand out for their many great properties. The thing is, antioxidants – whatever kind they are – will always be great for your skin, but there are antioxidants that have proven to be excellent for the long-term and have been scientifically proven as well. The key is, essentially speaking, to use as many antioxidants as you can. The more antioxidants you use for your skin, the better because they can all work together to protect and salvage your healthy skin cells. But below are some antioxidant superstars, so you can start with these:

  • Vitamin A

Vitamin A combined with retinol is incredibly potent, and a lot of evidence suggests that vitamin A is able to stimulate the production of collagen and fight damage from free radicals as well. Retin-A, in particular, is very potent, as it can speed up the turnover of cells and has a tremendous impact on the noticeable signs and symptoms of ageing. It has both instant and long-term benefits, and it can also treat breakouts, reduce the noticeable appearance of age spots, improve the texture of your skin, and more.

  • Vitamin C

Another superstar in the antioxidant family is vitamin C, and it is known for its strength. Since it is a scavenger of free radicals, it can brighten your skin and boost the production of collagen. Vitamin C can also tighten your skin and make it firmer. If you use a serum with a high level of vitamin C, such as products available from, your skin will indeed be greatly improved. 

Here’s another tip: look for serums with both vitamin C and vitamin E, as the two, when combined, can be doubly effective against free radicals.